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Removal of Benign Skin Lesions

What are the most common benign skin-soft tissue tumors?

The most common benign tumors of the skin include the nevus, cysts, lipomas, sebaceous cysts, xanthelasmas, ganglions, papillomas, hyperkeratoses (sebaceous, sinus), hemangiomas etc.

How is skin cancer differentiated from benign tumors?

Careful and thorough regular screening of the various skin lesions is essential for the safe diagnosis and treatment of the patient. The skin tumors are divided into benign and malignant. Distinguishing between the two categories is not always easy for the clinician. Most of the time, a skin lesion needs to be surgically removed and examined by a pathologist. Histologic examination of a tumor will accurately diagnose the kind of lesion. Some of the indications for the surgical treatment of a skin tumor may be: 1. A change in behavior that results in a sharp increase, change in color, bleeding, appear as a non-healing wound, cause pain or itching and 2. Aesthetic , when it causes deformity due to position, size or color. The full cure rate is greater, when the skin lesion is removed earlier.

How are skin lesions treated?

Most white people have nevus on their skin, cysts etc which in the vast majority are benign. Thse lesions very rarely develop into malignancy and less than 5%. The best treatment for all these benign lesions is frequent monitoring. If a pre-existing skin condition suddenly grows, changes shape or color and becomes black, then a doctor's appointment, removal and biopsy is required. The most common methods for the removal of bumps are suture removal, shaving and the use of Laser CO2. This type of surgery is performed under local anesthesia, lasts a short time and can be done in a clinic or in an organized clinic.

What are nevus?

Nevus are skin-related malformations due to various causes and can develop accordingly. There are nevus which have a disorder in the migration of the melanocytes and are called melanchromatic. These spots should be clinically controlled and, if there is any suspicion of malignancy, surgically removed and sent for biopsy and histological diagnosis. Non-pigmented skin lesions can be surgically removed with Laser CO2, after local anesthesia.

What are lipomas?

Lipomas are benign tumors located in the subcutaneous tissue. They are very common and are considered to be the most common benign tumors in humans. Women have more frequent lipoma profile than men. The size is usually small, with a diameter not exceeding 3 cm, but can sometimes be larger and reach the size of an orange or even larger. Their cause has not been established, and in some cases it has been found that there is a family predisposition or pre-existing injury. Their development is slow and can coexist in different parts of the body. They are usually located on the chest, shoulders, limbs and lumbar spine. They do not cause pain usually are not visible most of the time and do not threaten health except for a few cases of malignant adipose tissue called liposarcomas. Their treatment is surgical and in some cases liposuction can be used to avoid scarring.

What are sebaceous cysts?

In our skin, sebaceous cysts can appear, which cause swelling at the point where they appear, but in some cases they may be at a less visible point, so we do not immediately notice them. The sebaceous cysts are mainly located on the scalp, face, back and lobes of the ears, respectively. However, it is sometimes excluded that they appear on the extremities and trunk of the body. These cysts come from sebum-producing glands, which from a small pore, discharge into the skin. But once it is blocked, the sebum, which is produced continuously, accumulates in the gland, causing it to swell, causing the problem. The smaller the cyst is removed, the easier it is to deal with, and the better the aesthetic effect. Of course, it is much easier to treat a cyst that is not inflammatory and full of pus. That's why the visit to the plastic surgery

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