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  • Greek (Greece)



Many young men during adolescence develop adipose tissue in the anterior thoracic wall in the breast area. In 85% of cases, over time, this accumulation of adipose tissue returns. However, in the remaining 15% of cases, this unwanted fat remains, causing anxiety and insecurity during adulthood.


In the majority of cases, only liposuction is necessary in the treatment of gynecomastia. However, there are cases where either due to hypertrophy of the breast gland or excess skin it is necessary to have an incision in the lower half of the nipple or around the nipple. Prior the liposuction, tumescent fluid of adrenaline-xylocaine and saline is injected. This ensures that there is no loss of blood, while at the same time significantly reducing postoperative pain. The plastic surgeon then makes a very small incision, 3-4 mm, through which the liposuction cannula enters and removes the excess adipose tissue from the breast area. Also there is the option of liposuction assisted with laser (Bodytite or Renuvion) or ultrasound liposuction with Vaser for much more skin contraction and less postoperative edema and bruising

Type of anesthesia

Surgery does not require general anesthesia. The combination of local anesthesia and mild sedation makes the patient feel no pain during the procedure.

Opretation Time

The duration of the surgery is approximately 1 hour

Stay at the clinic

Treating gynecomastia is considered a one-day operation. For this reason, the patient leaves the hospital on the same day, after a few hours of surgery.

Postoperative period

During the postoperative period, bruising and swelling may occur in the area. These symptoms subside within the first week. In order to achieve a better aesthetic effect, it is necessary for the patient to wear a special elastic garment on the chest area for approximately 4 weeks.

Back to daily activities

Patients could shower as early as the next day of surgery. Return to work can take place after a few days, as the outcome of surgery unlike other operations is not affected too much by early return to physical activity.


The surgery ensures that a well-formed male breast is achieved. The result is visible from the first days of surgery, but the final result is fully visible in about 6 months.

Operating Time

1 hour

Type of anesthesia

Sedation and local anesthesia

Stay at the clinic

3-4 hours

Recovery time

5-7 days


Pressing garment for 1 month

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