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Mesotherapy is a method of administering small amounts of various substances such as hyaluronic acid, phosphatidylcholine, carnitine, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes to a certain part of the body. The procedure is performed with painless micro-injections into the dermis, the intermediate layer of the skin (mid-treatment), with the aim of renewing-hydrating-tightening the skin, treating cellulite and alopecia-hair loss.

When did it start to apply?

It was introduced by the French physician Michel Pistor in 1952 and in 1987 it was officially recognized as a therapeutic method by the French Medical Academy. Soon French physicians have discovered that this technique can also be applied to skin problems such as cellulite, streaks, wrinkles, hair loss and acne. Lately it has been widely distributed in many countries worldwide.

What Microneedling Therapy Can Face?

Thin and deep wrinkles on any surface of the face, regardless of the thickness of the skin Stretch marks, regardless of the depth and age presented Acne or surgery scars Cellulite (in combination with mesotherapy)

What are the Benefits of Mesotherapy?

Substances when administered orally present a serious drawback: they must first pass through the gastrointestinal tract and the liver before they are released into the bloodstream. Thus the largest amount of the drug is distributed throughout the body in high dilution and the amount that reaches the affected area is very small. In contrast, mesotherapy uses smaller doses of the substance that is injected into the treated area. Because the skin acts as a gradual release system, the active substance acts faster and longer. So the results are immediate.

In which cases is it applied to Aesthetic Dermatology?

On skin rejuvenation
In the treatment of cellulite-local fat
In hair loss

How do you act?

Mesotherapy enriches the skin, the intermediate layer of the skin, with vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, enzymes and amino acids that nourish and rejuvenate the skin. This promotes the production of collagen and elastin and increases metabolism. The addition of hyaluronic acid to the above mixture of ingredients keeps the water in the tissues resulting in deep hydration of the skin. People who have undergone this treatment describe that their skin has become tighter, more elastic, radiant, youthful and radiant.

Is it combined with other treatments?

Mesotherapy is a great complement to other treatments, such as laser resurfacing, radiofrequency, botox and hyaluronic acid fillings.

How many sessions do I need to do to get the best results?

It requires 6 sessions with an interval of 7-15 days, that is, the total duration of treatment is 1-2 months. After that, it may take 1-2 sessions a year to maintain the result.

When will I see results?

The results are visible from the very first session. However, to last a full 2 months cycle.

How Can Mesotherapy Reduce Cellulite?

The formula used is individualized and is commensurate with the degree and stage of cellulite. The drugs act as follows:
They break down the excess adipocytes
They improve blood circulation
They soften the connective fibers
They improve lymph drainage
The result is a reduction in the appearance of the "orange peel" and the amount of fat in the treated area. Because cellulite is a permanent condition, it requires more sessions than fat reduction, about 10 to 15 treatments and the injection of active substances into the subcutaneous fat.

Are there any complications?

The only side effects are bruises on some needle bites that recede in a few days and are covered with mica.

When can one continue his normal activities?

Immediately after treatment. The patient does not need to stay in. It is recommended to avoid a very hot shower in the next 8 hours after treatment.

Who Can Do Mesotherapy?

All adults between the ages of 18 and 75 who are in good health can receive Mesotherapy for aesthetic purposes.

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