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Cellulite Treatment


"Cellulite" is a term used to characterize the processes that occur in the subcutaneous adipose tissue that create imprints on the skin and eventually give the skin the "peel d΄orange" image. Cellulite has 80 to 90% of women on the planet and very rarely men.

Why do women usually have cellulite only?

Many studies have been done to explain the etiology of cellulite and all have concluded that estrogen accumulation in specific parts of the body plays a key role in its creation. The result is that such changes are made to the subcutaneous fat to destroy the tissue architecture and make the impressions appear. The tendency of women to develop cellulite is due to genes in a low percentage. That is why even women who are weak or fit for exercise develop cellulite, even to a limited degree.

What factors contribute to the appearance of cellulite?

Heredity is an important factor in the development of cellulite. Insufficient daily intake of water. Water helps eliminate toxins from the body. The sufficient quantity is calculated to 8 glasses daily. Long-term deprivation diets. Contrary to what has been argued, express diets combat cellulite, in fact increasing the likelihood of it occurring. Anxiety, stress, poor venous-lymphatic circulation and smoking can all contribute to cellulite. Lack of physical activity and sedentary life contribute to the appearance of cellulite. Exercise improves muscle tone and blood circulation and helps eliminate toxins. Contraceptives also increase the amount of estrogen in the body, expanding the fat cells that lead to water retention and the appearance of cellulite.

What are the stages in the appearance of cellulite?

ΗThe Nurnberger-Muller staging classifies cellulite into 4 stages:
observed on the pinch test.
Stage 1: As in the previous stage, but positive for the pinch test.
Stage 2: The prints are visible and without a pinch test when the person is upright, but not in a supine position (lying down).
Stage 3: The prints are visible upright and in a supine position.

What are the most effective techniques for treating cellulite?;

The best results are achieved with a combined treatment protocol that includes mesotherapy, monopolar radiofrequency (Thermage, Accent), tripolar radiofrequency (Velashape) and new revolutionary focused ultrasound technology Ulttherapy or Hifu.


Cellulite mesotherapy is a way of administering various harmless substances intradermally and in subcutaneous fat (herbal extracts, caffeine, procaine, pentoxifylline, hyaluronidase, phosphatidylcholine, organic silicum, etc.). This method is mainly used in cosmetic medicine for cellulite, topical lipolysis and skin rejuvenation. Mesotherapy has a great advantage: we deliver the therapeutic substance exactly where we care. So, in fact, we can use much smaller amounts of substances than if we were to administer them orally. This method is applied to the buttock areas, the outer surface of the thighs, the area above the knees, and generally to the areas where cellulite occurs. Each session lasts about 20 minutes. Approximately 4-8 treatments are required every 7-15 days, followed by a maintenance plan with 1 session every 2-3 months.

Ultrasound - Radiofrequencies (Thermage, Accent, Pollogen, Velashape, Ultherapy or Hifu)

It is the latest technology in the fight against cellulite. Their principle is based on the fact that a computerized head transmits ultrasound or radio waves to the cellulite in question - thighs, thighs, abdomen - thereby disrupting hypertrophic adipocytes. The preset points are "scanned" by the head of the ultrasound, or radio frequencies, as appropriate, causing a slight sensation of vibration and heat. The heat dissipated in the tissues causes the fat cells to shrink, while the fibroblasts are activated to produce collagen. This improves the quality of the skin and improves circulation. The session lasts about 40 minutes and requires at least 4-8 sessions every 1-2 weeks to achieve noticeable results of 30-50% in reducing points and improving skin texture (cellulite). The results are are immediate but improve in the first 3-4 months after application. The healing process is completely comfortable, fast, completely painless and you can return to your daily activities after application.

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